How Often Should You Take a Break From Keto?

The ketogenic or “keto” diet involves following a very low carb, high fat eating pattern to reach a metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis, the body burns fat for fuel instead of glucose.

While keto can be effective for fat loss and health, taking an occasional break by incorporating more carbs can prevent adaptations and rejuvenate your body. But exactly how often should you cycle off keto?

This article reviews the benefits of taking a break, how long you should take off, what to eat during a break, how to transition back into ketosis, and tips to make the process seamless.

How Often Should You Take a Break From Keto

Why Take a Break From Keto?

Here are some of the main benefits of incorporating higher carb reprieves from time to time:

  • Boosts leptin levels – Leptin is the “satiety” hormone that decreases on keto. Refeeding carbs brings leptin back up.
  • Prevents metabolic slowdown – Refills muscle glycogen and increases thyroid output, boosting energy expenditure.
  • Supports workouts – Glycogen provides quick energy for intense training. Carbs fuel muscle protein synthesis.
  • Provides mental break – Being rigidly restricted can take a psychological toll over time. Diet breaks are mentally refreshing.
  • Promotes gut health – Fiber from fruits, veggies, and grains feeds beneficial gut bacteria. May improve digestion.
  • Provides nutrition – Carb sources like sweet potatoes, berries, and whole grains supply vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Makes keto more sustainable – Giving yourself a break makes it easier to stick with keto and obtain long-term results.

How Long Should You Take a Break?

Most experts recommend taking a 1-3 day break from keto every 6-12 weeks. Here are some general guidelines:

  • 24-72 hour “carb up” once every 2-3 months
  • 1 higher carb meal per week – builds occasional flexibility
  • 3-5 day keto break when weight loss stalls for more than 2 weeks
  • 1-2 week break if following keto for more than 6 months straight – replenishes glycogen and hormones

The optimal length depends on factors like metabolic health, activity levels, weight loss goals, and how long you’ve been on keto.

Listen to your body. If you’re tolerating keto well, longer breaks are likely not necessary. Those struggling with side effects may choose more frequent, shorter breaks until adapting.

Transitioning Into a Keto Break

Ending ketosis causes shifts in water retention, blood sugar, energy levels and digestion. To prevent discomfort, transition out of keto gradually:

  • Gradually increase carbs by 15-30 grams every 2-3 days
  • Eat extra clean keto foods before increasing carbs
  • Continue high protein and fat intake when reintroducing carbs
  • Choose unprocessed, high fiber carbs like berries, beans, sweet potatoes
  • Stay hydrated and supplement electrolytes during transition
  • Move more when adding carbs back to ease water retention
  • Listen to your body and scale back carbs if reacting poorly

What to Eat During a Break

Aim to include more of these wholesome, high fiber carbs during a keto break:

  • Starchy vegetables: Sweet potatoes, yams, squash, peas, parsnips.
  • Fruits: Berries, citrus, stone fruits, apples, mangoes, bananas.
  • Whole grains: Oats, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, farro.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, green peas.
  • Tubers: Potatoes, yucca.
  • Nuts and seeds: Soak or sprout nuts and seeds to reduce phytic acid content.

Avoid added sugars, refined grains, juices, and processed snack foods. While fruit is allowed, limit high sugar options like grapes, bananas and melons to 1 serving daily max.

Keep protein adequate around 0.5-1g per pound of body weight daily. Increase healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado and coconut.

Potential changes in weight and appearance after a successful keto break

How Long Does It Take to Get Back Into Ketosis?

Transitioning back into ketosis after a break differs based on several factors:

  • How long carb intake was higher: Longer breaks require more time to deplete glycogen and return to fat burning. After 12+ hours of refueling carbs, ketosis can take 2-4 days to regain.
  • Amount of carbs consumed: Eating large amounts of carbs extending glycogen stores makes returning to ketosis slower. Keep higher carb days < 150 grams.
  • Activity levels: Regular exercise helps burn through glycogen faster, speeding up the return to ketosis. Weight lifting is ideal.
  • Water intake: Staying hydrated flushes out glycogen and eliminates ketone byproducts through urine. Drink plenty of water.
  • Fasting: Fasting 18+ hours forces ketone production and speeds up fat adaptation considerably.

If you avoided excessively high carb intake during a short 1-3 day break, ketosis can typically be regained within 2-4 days at most.

Tips for Getting Back Into Ketosis Quickly

Here are some strategies to get back into fat burning mode faster after a keto break:

  • Exercise: Engage in high intensity interval training or heavy weight lifting to deplete glycogen stores.
  • Fast: Consider a 24-36 hour fast to accelerate the transition. Or skip breakfast after a carb up evening meal.
  • Lower carbs: Gradually reduce carb portions after the break over 3-5 days until under 20-30g net carbs daily.
  • Up protein and fat: Keep protein high around 0.8-1g per pound of body weight. Increase healthy fats which promote ketogenesis.
  • Test ketones: Check urine ketones using strips to confirm you’ve reached ketosis again after 2-3 days of restricting carbs.
  • Hydrate: Flush out glycogen by drinking 3-4 liters of water per day and supplementing electrolytes from broth.

With consistent low carb eating focused around whole foods, you should be back in ketosis within several days at most after a brief break.

Signs You’re Back in Ketosis

Here are some signs your body has transitioned back into a fat burning state:

  • Weight loss resumes
  • Reduced appetite and cravings
  • Increased focus and energy
  • “Metallic” taste
  • High ketones on testing strips
  • Improved workout performance

Use these feedback clues to determine if you’ve regained ketosis after a planned break.

Should You Try Cyclical Keto?

Some individuals opt for a cyclical ketogenic diet approach alternating 5-6 days of keto eating with 1-2 higher carb days weekly.

Benefits of cyclical keto include:

  • Provides metabolic boost
  • Helps refill glycogen for intense workouts
  • Allows for diet versatility
  • Makes keto more sustainable by adding dietary freedom

However, cyclical keto may be harder to maintain weight loss compared to standard keto. Use a registered dietitian’s guidance to create a cyclical plan that optimizes your health and goals.

Other Types of Keto Breaks

There are a few options for structured breaks from ketosis:

  • Targeted keto diet (TKD): Adds back 25-50g net carbs as glucose supplements around workouts only.
  • 5:2 approach: Follows standard keto 5 days per week with 2 non-consecutive higher carb days.
  • Carb night: Eats keto with the exception of one weekly “cheat night” for higher carb meals.
  • Monthly “treat” meal: Incorporates one higher carbohydrate meal per month while staying keto the rest of the time.

Vary your approach occasionally to find the strategy that optimizes your energy, workouts, cravings, mood and weight loss or maintenance goals on keto.

Tips for Healthy Breaks

Here are some tips for taking effective and beneficial keto breaks:

  • Continue eating sufficient protein like grass-fed meats, wild fish, pastured eggs
  • Fill your plate with low carb veggies, leafy greens, avocado, olives, and nuts
  • Opt for full-fat Greek yogurt and high fiber berries as lower sugar fruits
  • Choose mostly unprocessed, whole food sources of carbohydrates
  • Limit higher carb meals to 1-2 times per week max
  • Increase activity and movement on higher carb days
  • Calculate approximate net carbs and avoid binging – 150g net carbs max
  • Hydrate well by drinking a minimum of 64+ oz water daily
  • Gradually transition out of and back into ketosis over 5-7 days
  • Listen to your body; scale back carbs if feeling bloated, tired or unfocused

Making Keto Breaks Work

Taking a break can motivate you to stick with keto long-term. But changes in water weight, energy, cravings and digestion may occur when transitioning in and out of ketosis.

Be patient through fluctuations. Stay consistent tracking carbs, activity and symptoms each day. With mindful meal planning focused on whole foods, keto breaks a few times per month need not derail your fat burning goals. In fact, they promote sustainability for lifelong health.

Potential Drawbacks of Keto Breaks

While beneficial mentally and physically, breaks do have potential downsides:

  • Water weight regain of 3-5 pounds typically occurs which can be discouraging. However, this is just glycogen and water, not body fat.
  • Increased cravings and hunger may persist after a break, making sticking to keto more challenging again. Be prepared for this.
  • Energy, focus and workout performance may temporarily decrease while transitioning back into ketosis, as glycogen is lower.
  • Blood sugar spikes can occur if overdoing high carb foods, especially sugary items. Keep carbs from whole foods sources.
  • It takes time to regain metabolic flexibility. Longer term keto may result in more noticeable shifts in digestion and energy when reintroducing carbs.

Work closely with a professional to optimize your transition schedule and food choices.

Signs You Need a Break

Here are some signs it may be time for a keto break:

  • Plateau in weight loss for 1-2+ weeks
  • Increased cravings for carbs and sugar
  • Low energy, fatigue and mental fog
  • Decreased exercise tolerance and performance
  • Constipation, diarrhea, or digestive issues
  • Increased hunger and appetite
  • Trouble sleeping and high stress
  • Feeling burnt out by the diet’s restrictions

Listen to your body. If you are struggling with any of these, try a keto break.

Key Takeaways

  • Breaks from keto every 6-12 weeks can prevent plateaus, increase dietary freedom, replenish glycogen and provide a mental reprieve.
  • 1-3 day breaks with 150g net carbs or less are recommended, along with 1 higher carb meal weekly.
  • Refeeding higher carb and lower fat may take 2-4+ days to return to ketosis depending on activity, carb load, and hydration.
  • Incorporate fruits, starchy veggies, whole grains and beans during a break while minimizing processed carbs and sugars.
  • Transition back into keto by gradually lowering carbs while keeping protein and fluids higher.
  • monitor energy, cravings, exercise tolerance, and weight changes. Adjust carb intake up or down accordingly.
  • Cyclical and targeted keto are structured approaches that incorporate weekly higher carb meals or workout carbs.
  • Taking an occasional keto break can make the plan more enjoyable and sustainable long-term.

Infographic displaying a weekly meal plan with one higher-carb meal and keto-friendly foods for the rest of the days, illustrating a cyclical keto approach.

The Bottom Line

Strategic breaks of 1-5 days every 6-12 weeks that focus on whole food, high fiber carbs can enhance progress for keto dieters. These “carb cycling” techniques provide hormonal and metabolic benefits while supporting exercise performance. Using plenty of lean proteins, vegetables and minimizing processed carbs enables getting back into fat burning ketosis within 2-4 days. Following basic guidelines, an occasional break from keto should not negatively impact weight loss. Instead, breaks prevent long term adaptations and promote adherence for lasting success.


How often should you take a break from the keto cycle?

It is recommended to take a break from the keto cycle every few weeks or months, depending on your individual needs and goals. Some people may choose to take a break once every month, while others may need a break every few months. It’s important to listen to your body and assess how you’re feeling while on the keto diet.

What is a keto diet?

A keto diet, short for ketogenic diet, is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan. It focuses on reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing fat consumption to put the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of glucose.

What is keto cycling?

Keto cycling, also known as cyclical ketogenic diet, is a variation of the traditional keto diet. It involves alternating periods of strict keto diet with higher-carb days. This approach allows individuals to periodically eat more carbohydrates while still following the overall principles of the ketogenic lifestyle.

Is it good to have a break from the keto diet?

Taking a break from the keto diet can have potential benefits. It can help prevent nutrient deficiencies, maintain a healthy relationship with food, and allow for more flexibility in social situations. However, it is important to approach breaks from the keto diet mindfully and gradually reintroduce carbohydrates to avoid negative side effects.

How long should a break from the keto diet be?

The length of a break from the keto diet can vary depending on individual preferences and goals. Some people may choose to have a higher-carb day once a week, while others may take a break for a couple of days or even a week. It’s important to find a balance that works for you and aligns with your goals.

What happens to ketosis after a break from the keto diet?

After a break from the keto diet, the body may temporarily exit the state of ketosis, as increased carbohydrate intake can shift the body’s fuel source back to glucose. However, once you resume the keto diet and reduce your carbohydrate intake again, your body will return to ketosis and start burning fat for fuel.

Should I try keto cycling if I’ve been on the keto diet for a while?

Keto cycling can be a helpful strategy for individuals who have been on the keto diet for a while and are looking for more flexibility in their eating patterns. It allows for periodic higher-carb days without completely derailing progress or kicking the body out of ketosis.

How many grams of carbs can I have during a break from the keto diet?

The amount of carbs you can have during a break from the keto diet can vary depending on your individual tolerance and goals. It is generally recommended to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake and aim for a higher but still controlled level compared to your usual keto diet. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help determine the appropriate amount for you.

What are the potential benefits of taking breaks from the keto diet?

Taking breaks from the keto diet can have several potential benefits. It can help prevent nutrient deficiencies, support a healthier relationship with food, provide mental relief from strict dietary restrictions, and potentially improve athletic performance during high-intensity workouts that require more carbohydrates.

Can I still lose weight if I take breaks from the keto diet?

Yes, it is still possible to lose weight while taking breaks from the keto diet. However, it’s important to maintain a calorie deficit and make mindful food choices even during the higher-carb days. Balancing your overall calorie intake and macronutrient distribution is essential for continued weight loss progress.

How often should you take a break from keto cycle?

It is recommended to take a break from the keto cycle every few weeks or months, depending on your individual needs and goals.

What is a keto diet?

A keto diet, short for ketogenic diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet that aims to put your body into a state of ketosis.

Why is it good to have a break from the keto diet?

Taking a break from the keto diet can help prevent nutrient deficiencies, allow you to incorporate more variety in your meals, and give your body a break from the strict low-carb diet.

How long should a break from the keto diet be?

The duration of a break from the keto diet can vary. Some people choose to have a higher-carb day once a week, while others opt for longer breaks every few weeks or months.

What should I eat during a break from the keto diet?

During a break from the keto diet, you can incorporate more carbohydrates into your meals. However, it is important to still choose nutrient-dense foods and avoid excessive intake of processed carbs.

Will I gain weight if I take a break from the ketogenic diet?

Taking a break from the keto diet may cause a temporary increase in water weight due to the reintroduction of carbohydrates. However, with proper portion control and balanced eating, you can still maintain or continue losing weight.

Can I still lose weight if I take a break from the keto diet?

While weight loss may slow down during a break from the keto diet, it is still possible to lose weight if you carefully monitor your calorie intake and maintain a balanced diet.

Can taking breaks from the keto diet help avoid the “keto flu”?

The “keto flu” is a temporary set of symptoms that some people experience when transitioning into ketosis. Taking breaks from the keto diet may help alleviate these symptoms by allowing your body to adapt more gradually.

How many grams of carb can I have during a break from the keto diet?

The amount of carbohydrates you can have during a break from the keto diet will depend on your individual tolerance and goals. It is generally recommended to keep your carbohydrate intake moderate and focus on whole food sources.

How long does it take to get back into ketosis after a break?

The time it takes to get back into ketosis after a break from the keto diet can vary. It may take a few days to a week of strict low-carb eating to achieve ketosis again.

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