How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight on the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic or “keto” diet has become an incredibly popular way to lose weight fast. This very low carb, high fat diet puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of carbs.

But just how quickly can you expect to see weight loss results once starting keto?

This article covers what kind of keto weight loss goal or timeline you can expect, factors that affect how fast you’ll lose weight, how to speed up your results, and overall what most people experience when jumping into state of ketosis for fat loss.

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the liver produces molecules called ketone bodies, or ketones, from stored fat to use for energy instead of getting energy from carbs.

This occurs when you severely restrict carbohydrate intake to typically below 50g net carbs daily. It takes about 1-4 days of very low carb eating for your body to shift into ketosis and start producing ketones.

In ketosis, both dietary fat and body fat get converted into ketones to fuel the brain and body in place of glucose from carbs.

The keto diet specifically forces the body to use ketones and fat for fuel to enhance weight loss, versus getting energy primarily from carbohydrates.

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight on the Keto Diet

Expected Keto Weight Loss Timeline

Weight loss results on keto can vary significantly. Many factors like your metabolism, workout regimen, starting weight, and how strictly you limit carbs impact how quickly you’ll shed pounds. However, most people experience:

Week 1: 5+ pounds

It’s common to lose 5 pounds (2.3 kg) or more in the first week on keto. However, most of this initial loss is water weight. As insulin levels drop from restricting carbs, the kidneys flush out excess sodium and water.

Glycogen stores also become depleted. Each gram of glycogen is bound to 3-4 grams of water in the muscles and liver. As these stores empty when carbs are reduced, water weight drops substantially.

So that big first week weight loss on keto is largely due to water and glycogen reduction. However burning an extra 5 pounds of body fat in the first week would require a massive calorie deficit of 17,500 calories – far beyond what’s realistic. The initial rapid drop is mainly water, not all fat.

Weeks 2-4: 2-3 pounds per week

After the first 1-2 weeks, weight loss usually slows to about 1-3 pounds (0.5 to 1.4 kg) per week on average for most people. This is considered a safe, sustainable rate of loss on keto.

However, someone that is significantly overweight may drop weight faster in the first month. Those closer to their goal weight will likely lose at a slower pace after the initial water weight drop.

To lose 2-3 pounds per week consistently, aim for a daily calorie deficit of about 500-1000 calories through low carb keto foods. This along with metabolism, age, activity levels, and other factors impact actual results.

Month 1: 8-12 pounds

Over the course of the first 30 days on keto, aiming to lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week after the initial rapid water weight loss is a reasonable goal. This equates to about 8-12 pounds (3.6 to 5.4 kg) of actual fat loss in the first month.

At this steady rate of loss, most people can achieve 10% weight loss or more in only a few months on the keto diet. Of course, many factors like adherence to keto foods and lifestyle habits impact actual numbers.

A visual representation of a progress chart, with weeks or months on the X-axis and pounds or kilograms on the Y-axis.

Months 2-6: 15+ pounds

After reaching the deep stages of ketosis and becoming fat adapted, people often continue losing 1-3 pounds per week if needed for the next several months. This equals 15 or more pounds of fat burned.

However, weight loss inevitably slows the leaner one gets as the body tries to hold onto remaining fat stores. Plateaus eventually occur as metabolism compensates and hunger levels increase.

12-18 Months: 40+ pounds

Consistently losing only 1-2 pounds weekly on ketogenic diet could lead to over 40 pounds of weight loss in a year to 18 months.

This assumes you stick with the major tenets of keto – keeping carbs very low while eating adequate protein and increasing healthy fats.

However, big changes in exercise, intermittent fasting, and really dialing in nutrition can lead to even better results. Let’s look at how these and other factors impact weight loss on keto.

What Affects Weight Loss Speed on Keto?

Several variables determine how quickly someone loses weight on the keto diet including:

1. Calorie Deficit

Creating a daily 500-1000 calorie deficit through low carb keto foods is the #1 factor for shedding pounds. Without a deficit, weight loss stall is inevitable.

Track your current calorie intake, then lower it by 500-700 calories through cutting carbs, eating protein and increasing healthy fats to start losing.

2. Macros and Quality of Food

Getting macro ratios right (about 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs from healthy sources) helps optimize nutrition on keto.

Focus on quality low carb foods like non-starchy veggies, grass-fed meats, wild caught fish, eggs, nuts/seeds, healthy oils. Avoid processed low carb replacements.

3. Exercise Levels

Increasing physical activity aids calorie burning and builds metabolism boosting muscle. Even light exercise aids keto weight loss.

Aim for 30-60 minutes daily of brisk walking, cycling, weights, etc. Too much high intensity exercise may backfire by increasing hunger though.

4. Intermittent Fasting

Fasting 18-24 hours 1-3 days per week accelerates ketosis and further promotes fat burning, especially if done with keto. It’s a powerful combination.

For example, eating in just an 8 hour window daily, like noon to 8pm, gives your body 16 hours to burn stored fat for energy while depleting glycogen stores.

5. Sleep Quality

Chronic sleep deprivation slows metabolism. Getting 7-9 hours nightly supports weight loss by controlling cortisol and hormones affected by lack of sleep.

6. Stress Levels

High stress and raised cortisol strongly influences weight loss resistance. Adaptogenic herbs, meditation, yoga, journaling, and therapy lower stress for keto success.

7. Starting Weight and Metabolism

Those that are significantly overweight often lose faster initially versus lean individuals closer to their goal weight. Young females generally lose quicker than males too.

Where your individual metabolism baseline is at (higher or lower) combined with keto can impact potential rates of loss as well.

8. Digestive Health

A well-functioning gut optimizes nutrient absorption and elimination, keeping weight steady. Poor gut health promotes bloating, water retention, inflammation, and weight gain.

9. Medications and Hormones

Some medications like steroids, antidepressants and hormone pills (birth control) are linked to difficulties losing weight. Always consult your doctor before stopping medications.

10. Genetics and Biology

Research shows our individual genetic makeup contributes up to 70% to weight loss variances between people eating the same diet. DNA impacts how efficiently we burn fat and calories.[1]

depicting a lifestyle collage, including elements like a gym, healthy food, a sleep icon, and stress-reduction activities like meditation and yoga.

How Fast Can You Lose Weight on Keto?

While individual factors impact results, on “standard” keto most people can expect to lose:

  • 5+ pounds in Week 1 (mostly water weight)
  • 1-3 pounds per week after initial loss
  • 8-12 pounds total over a month
  • 15+ pounds in months 2-6
  • 40+ pounds in 12-18 months

However, faster weight loss is definitely possible through strategies like combining keto with intermittent fasting, more exercise, stress management, proper sleep, and more.

Let’s look at some ways to safely enhance the fat and weight loss process on keto.

How to Speed Up Keto Weight Loss

If your results have stalled, incorporate these strategies to boost keto weight loss:

Increase Healthy Fat Intake

Fat is what fuels ketosis. Boost fat percentage to around 70-75% of calories daily if it’s under this to speed up fat burning. Focus on olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut, MCT oil, butter, egg yolks.

Cut Carbs Lower

Try reducing net carbs from 20-50g daily down to 15-30g if weight loss plateaus. This depletes glycogen further to enhance ketosis.

Add Intermittent Fasting

Fasting part of the day enhances fat utilization. Try an 18:6 schedule of eating only in an 8 hour window like noon to 8pm. Or fast completely 1-2 days per week.

Increase Exercise Frequency

Ramp up workouts to 4-6 days weekly. Try weights/resistance training which builds metabolism boosting muscle. Just don’t overdo it.

Improve Sleep Habits

Optimize sleep quality and get 7-9 hours nightly. Poor sleep is linked to weight gain and loss resistance. Maintain proper sleep hygiene.

Reduce Stress

Chronic stress raises cortisol and negatively impacts weight. Try meditation, yoga, deep breathing, journaling, or walks outdoors to lower stress.

Track Macros and Calories

Weigh foods and log macros and calories daily to ensure you maintain the daily 500-1000 calorie deficit needed for ongoing loss.

Use Fat Burning Supplements

Some supplements like green tea, green coffee, soluble fiber, and thermogenics may provide modest metabolism and weight loss benefits on keto. But always discuss them with your doctor first.

Weigh-In Daily

Daily weigh ins first thing in the morning can help identify hydration status, patterns, and needed dietary adjustments for faster progress.

Signs You’ve Reached Ketosis

It takes consistent carb restriction below 50g daily for most people to shift into ketosis. Some signs your body has made the transition include:

  • Weight loss
  • Reduced appetite
  • High ketone levels on breath or urine test strips
  • Increased focus and energy
  • Reduced cravings for sweets and carbs

Pay attention to these symptoms to gauge if you’ve achieved ketosis through low carb eating. If cravings or appetite aren’t suppressed, cut carbs lower.

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe on Keto?

Losing up to 10 pounds in the first week on keto is typical but not always healthy long-term. Here are guidelines for safe weight loss:

  • Up to 2 pounds per week after initial water loss is optimal for most
  • Avoid losing more than 3 pounds weekly after the first month
  • Very rapid loss may signal muscle wasting, dehydration or nutritional deficiency

Losing weight very quickly through extreme restriction can backfire by lowering metabolism long-term.

Unhealthy Forms of Rapid Weight Loss

Prolonged fasts over 2-3 days, extremely low calorie diets, or excessive exercise on keto can lead to unwanted health consequences like:

  • Muscle loss
  • Hair thinning and dry skin
  • Menstrual dysfunction in women
  • Gallstones
  • Fatigue, dizziness or fainting
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Eating disorders
  • Rebound weight gain afterward

If you lose more than 2-3 pounds per week consistently on keto, seek medical advice to adjust your plan and prevent complications.

Expected Weight Regain After Keto

If carbs are significantly increased after losing weight on keto, some degree of water weight regain is expected as glycogen stores are replenished. However, fat regained depends largely on total daily calories.

To maintain weight after keto:

  • Gradually increase carbs by no more than 10-15g weekly
  • Keep protein adequate and increase healthy fats to control appetite
  • Stay active to allow for higher carb intake
  • Weigh-in weekly to catch any gains quickly

Some may switch to a low carb or Mediterranean style diet following keto for weight maintenance. Be mindful of portions when transitioning off keto.

As with any major change in eating, medical oversight is advised to ensure safety, especially for those with health conditions using medication or at risk for side effects. Most healthy individuals can safely enter ketosis through diet alone.

Possible side effects when first starting keto include headache, fatigue, cramps, nausea and mental fogginess for up to 1-2 weeks as the body adapts to using ketones and fats for fuel. Staying hydrated, getting adequate electrolytes, and sticking with it through this “keto flu” phase is important.

Individual Differences

In the end, keto weight loss results can vary substantially based on the individual. While averages project losing 10-15 pounds in the first month, everything depends on your specific habits, lifestyle, biology, motivation levels, and how strictly you follow a keto regimen. Consistency over time is key.

The degree of carb restriction needed for reaching ketosis also differs. Some may need to go under 30g daily, while others can stay in ketosis up to 50g. Testing to find your own carb threshold is important to maximize results.

Key Tips for Success

Follow these guidelines to help support your keto weight loss journey:

  • Gradually reduce carbs over 2-3 weeks leading up to keto
  • Track macros and calories using a food app
  • Drink plenty of water and replenish electrolytes
  • Get adequate protein at each meal for satiety
  • Increase healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado
  • Manage stress and get enough sleep
  • Allow for a carb refeed 1-2 days per week if needed
  • Take measurements and progress pics in addition to weighing
  • Work with a doctor and dietitian knowledgeable in keto

Be patient through ups and downs, plateaus or adaptations. Consistency with a well-formulated keto plan tailored to your needs will produce long-term results.

The Bottom Line

While results vary based on the individual, on average most people can expect to lose 6-12 pounds in the first month on keto as the body sheds excess water and burns stored fat. Mild calorie restriction, carb limits of 20-50g daily, exercise, hydration, electrolyte balance, and proper protein help achieve this.

After the initial loss, aiming to lose 1-3 pounds per week is reasonable through maintaining a calorie deficit, tracking intake, intermittent fasting, strength training, adequate sleep, and lowering stress levels.

More rapid loss than 2-3 pounds per week risks health complications and is difficult to sustain long-term. Losing about 10 percent of your body weight in 6 months is a healthy goal for keto weight loss.


How long does it take to lose weight on keto?

The time it takes to lose weight on the keto diet can vary depending on several factors.

How long does it take to enter ketosis?

It typically takes 2-4 days or longer for your body to enter ketosis, where it starts burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

How much weight can I expect to lose in ketosis?

The amount of weight you can expect to lose on the keto diet can vary. Some people experience a rapid initial weight loss, often due to shedding water weight, while others may lose weight more gradually over time.

Can the keto diet help me lose weight quickly?

The keto diet has been shown to promote weight loss, but the rate at which you lose weight may vary. Some people may experience quick and dramatic weight loss, while others may see more gradual progress.

When will I start lose weight on ketogenic diet?

Many people start to see noticeable weight loss after anywhere from 10 days to a couple of weeks on the keto diet.

Does the keto diet only result in water weight loss?

While some initial weight loss on the keto diet may be due to shedding water weight, sustained weight loss can occur as your body adapts to using fat as its primary source of energy.

Can intermittent fasting accelerate weight loss on keto?

Intermittent fasting can be a helpful tool for supporting weight loss on the keto diet. By restricting the time window in which you eat, you may enhance the fat-burning effects of ketosis.

Does the rate of weight loss slow down on the keto diet?

The rate of weight loss may slow down after the initial phase, as your body adjusts to the high-fat, low-carb diet. However, with continued adherence and regular exercise, you can still support your weight loss journey on keto.

How long does it take to start seeing results on the keto diet?

Many people start to see results, such as weight loss and increased energy, within the first week or two of starting the keto diet.

Can the keto diet be an effective plan for weight loss?

The keto diet can be an effective diet plan for weight loss, especially for those who have a high-fat diet and low-carb intake. However, it’s important to customize the diet to fit your specific needs and goals.

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